Partnership with DPWH gets into full swing, a winning stride for PFV land development

Veering away from business as usual arrangements, persistent negotiations, maximizing local and national linkages and overcoming uncertainties- all these have unpacked promising accomplishments for Pope Francis Village.

It's been eight months of continuous lobbying and engagement with the Department of Public Works and Highways (DPWH). Now, key stakeholders of Pope Francis Village most especially the communities who will benefit from this permanent in-city resettlement initiative are taking pride of their inroads in securing DPWH support for land development.

The funding commitment of DPWH based on the approved contract estimate amounted to Php103,937,000.00. This will cover earth-moving, construction of roadways and slope protection structures at PFV Project Site located at Barangay 99, Diit, Tacloban City. The winning bidder was EZ Jones Construction, Inc. (ECI), a reputable and ISO certified contractor operating in the Provinces of Samar and Leyte. 
A kick-off meeting with the Department of Public Works and Highways &
 EZ Jones Construction, present the latest version of the site development plan.

Steering the series of negotiations with DPWH involves a lengthy and complex process as it required conscious integration of communities every step of the way. Being the frontline actors and end users of PFV, it is only fitting that the latter are kept informed and consulted about the crucial aspects of this partnership. Not to mention the uncertain political environment due to the upcoming national election, complying with documentary requirements from DBM (e.g. Special Allotment Release Order and tracking report on DPWH savings sources) down to the sub-national agency level also posed a major challenge for the PFV.

In spite the above-cited impediments and challenges, significant progress pertinent to land development has been achieved. One of this was the completion of the first phase of ground development along the first and second strips of the project site in partnership with the  53rd Engineer Brigade of the Armed Forces of the Philippines. These fully compacted strips will serve as the final location of the first 36 rowhouse units out of the total 550 target houses. A geodetic engineer was also contracted for surveying and monumenting works. In addition, he was tasked to prepare and finalize the grading plan and provide technical supervision to ECI during the actual staking of lots and identified roadways.
Monuments installed on this fully-compacted strip to
pave way for the construction of the first batch of houses.

Field Density Test result generated a
rate higher than 95% soil compaction requirement. 

The organization and functional presence of a Land Development Committee comprised of PFV community leaders and selected representatives of the technical, social and secretariat teams of FRANCESCO is a major accomplishment thus far. It was able to push for full visibility and active participation in the bidding process and succeeding negotiations with DPWH and the contractor.  In fact, the latter are both in agreement with the proposal to hold a weekly meeting with the Land Development Committee for purpose of updating on the progress of the entire land development process.  

The members of Land Development Committee initiated
a meeting with DPWH Regional Office 8 Director Rolando Asis &
Department of Budget and Management to follow-up on the
 status of funds for PFV site development.


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