A Peso and a Quantum Leap for the Caterpillars
Francis Village carries the byword of community participation from its inception
to site development planning, house designing to actual building of houses.
This archetype of participatory approach became more prominent when the 550
families decided to come together, regardless of their varying socio-economic
backgrounds and origins to form a unified Homeowners Association. It was further
demonstrated during the determination of criteria and process for block and lot
assignments of individual families. Some would say, the approach is full of
dynamism as members engage themselves in a healthy form of contestation,
co-optation or cooperation until they arrive at a consensus with the rest of their
block members. The same approach again
served as an overarching backdrop of the recent election of block leaders.
In a
series of cluster assemblies spearheaded by the social team, community members were
asked to craft and level-off on the criteria for choosing their leaders per
housing block. Among the desirable traits that they are looking from a block leader
ranged from someone with a strong sense of responsibility and integrity,
resourcefulness, one who decides with fairness and transparency and most
importantly who is willing to share his or her time for meetings and other important
activities of the association.
the social team, the only guarantee that members will rally behind their block leaders
is to give them the freedom to choose the most capable and deserving for the
position according to the criteria that they themselves set. To facilitate the election, members were
clustered based on their block assignment and were asked to nominate at least
two persons whom they think is fit to assume the position. Members cast their
votes by raising their hands. The
nominee who got the majority votes automatically becomes the block leader, and
the second with the next highest votes becomes the assistant block leader.
were some instances (as in the case of Block 6, Block 26 and Block 43) when
community organizers have resort to a toss coin in order to break the ties. A
peso may be a symbol of a healthy and competitive election, but it means a
quantum leap for whoever wins the tie breaking match. The block leaders form
part of the pillar of Pope Francis Village HOA. They are not only envisioned as
support arm of the HOA in terms of
carrying-out its programs and estate management policies but they’re also the intermediary
layer that connects individual households to the larger community within and
outside of Pope Francis Village.
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